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Online Payment

What does my registration include?
Jersey, socks, medal, food,
2 beers, and more...

DICIEMBRE 2024 $1,400





OCTUBRE $1,900



*uso obligatorio de jersey

What size should you get?

check here!

Register Yourself Only 

Each rider must complete their own registration.

What's Included
for the Registration Fee? 

  • Jersey.

  • Socks.

  • Finisher’s certificate (PDF).

  • Finisher’s medal.

  • Food at the finish.

  • Free insurance for reimbursement of medical

       expenses due to accidents.

  • You could win one of two Specialized bikes .

  • 2 Amstel Ultra Beer.

  • Services of the Federal Preventive Police as well

        as the Municipal Transit Police to ensure the safety of all participants

        during the event.

  • First aid service throughout the entire route.

  • Aid stations at previously defined locations.

  • Sag wagon support for whoever needs it.

Aid stations at these locations:

In the village of El Vainillo: water, electrolytes, energy bars, fruit, ice

In El Recodo: carbo-loading items (bread with Nutella, bread with peanut butter, ham and cheese sandwiches), water, electrolytes, fruit, ice

In the village of La Noria: water, Powerade, energy bars, fruit, ice

In Parque Acuático Mazagua: water, Powerade, energy bars, fruit, ice.

The Ciclotour organization is not responsible for any accidents suffered or caused by the participants.  Furthermore, it is not responsible for any expenses or debts incurred by the participants during Ciclotour Mazatlán nor any losses or breakdowns affecting participants’ bicycles or other equipment.


Each participant exempts the organization from responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property regardless of the circumstances.


You are required to wear a helmet and use a bike that’s in good condition.


We recommend that all participants have a medical checkup and suggest inspecting your bicycle for any problems at least one day before the event.


The organization reserves the right to make appropriate modifications to this information when deemed necessary."


Captura de Pantalla 2024-12-27 a la(s) 8.12.29.png
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